LoginResponse (0xA102)

This is sent after the server has received a LoginRequest.


Data type Name Description
u8 status The status of the login process.
u32 user_uid The id of the user account.
u8 privilege The privilege or “GM status” of the user.
i128 identity The identity key of the session. This can be anything, but should be random and unique - the client will use this to identify itself when connecting to a game server.

Login Status

A status of 0 indicates a successful login, and the client will attempt to read the user_uid, privilege, and identity fields. For any non-zero status, they can be omitted. For the ps0198 client, the following status values are valid:

status sysmsg-id Default text
1 10022 account doesn’t exist
2 10023 can’t connect with the account since it’s not selected as free challenger.
3 10024 invalid ID and password
4 10025 cannot login to the game with this account
5 10026 cannot login to the game and homepage with this account
6,7,8 10027 ID in process of termination following user’s request.
9 10028 can’t connect to game following user’s request.
10 10122 Your account is blocked now. You can’t log into the game.
11,12 10029 account still restricted.
13 10105 (not used)
14 10104 (not used)
15 808 Due date expired.\nplease re-charge Shaiya cash and purchase a flat fee service or download 3 hour-free coupon from the homepage.