InventoryPopulate (0x0106)

This packet is sent by the server when the player first loads into the game world, as a way to quickly populate the inventory during the load screen. Please note that this should be chunked appropriately in higher episodes where the size of an ItemUnit exceeds 17 bytes, as this will otherwise overflow the maximum length of a packet (2048 bytes).


Data type Name Description
u8 quantity The number of entries in this packet.
ItemUnit[quantity] items The items being added to the inventory.

ItemUnit (ps0032)

Data type Name Description
u8 bag The bag that the item resides in.
u8 slot The slot to place the item in.
u8 type The item type.
u8 type_id The item type id.
u16 durability The current durability of the item.
u8[6] lapis The lapis gem type ids. These all have a “type” of 30.
u8 quantity The quantity of items in this stack.