ActionBarUpdate (0x010B)

This value is sent by the server when the player has finished loading into the game with a character, and informs them of their saved action bar values. This also triggers the client to send the XorEncryptionSignal, at which time the client will begin using the expandedKeySeed and switch to a primitive XOR-based encryption.


Data type Name Description
u8 qty The number of entries in this update.
ActionBarItem[qty] items The payload of the action bar items.


Data type Name Description
u8 barIndex The index of the action bar.
u8 barSlot The slot on the action bar.
u8 itemType The type of the action bar item.
0-5 = Inventory item
100 = Skill
100+ = Emote
u16 value The value of the slot. If an inventory item, this is the slot (where type is the bag). If a skill, this is the skill id.